
Showing posts with the label Biden

Impeachment Report Lays Out President Biden's Alleged Offenses

President Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses in his role in his family’s alleged overseas business dealings, a newly released report from the U.S. House Ways and Committee alleges. “As described in this report, the Committees have accumulated evidence demonstrating that President Biden has engaged in impeachable conduct,” the report said. The 291-page report lays out in detail what have at times been murky allegations against the president. House Oversight Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., helped spearhead the investigation, uncovering and laying out evidence. He and Republicans on the impeachment committee argue that the Biden family, with the help and knowledge of the president, used the Biden family name around the world to rake in nearly $30 million from overseas entities in Ukraine, China, Romania and elsewhere in secretive influence deals. “In order to obscure the source of these funds, the Biden family and their associates set up shell companies to conceal these pa

Palestinian Refugees in the U.S.? Biden's Potential Plan Takes Fire

  President Joe Biden is reportedly considering bringing Palestinian refugees into the U.S., but news of that potential decision sparked a wave of criticism for Biden. A group of Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate sent a letter to the president condemning the alleged plan, which was reported by CBS News earlier this week. “U.S. and allied officials have very little access to Gazans living in the area, making it nearly impossible to conduct thorough vetting before admitting them into our country,” the letter said. “We must ensure Gazans with terrorist ties or sympathies are denied admission into the United States – no easy feat, given the fact that the Gazans were the ones who voted Hamas into power in 2006. Without thorough vetting, your administration may inadvertently accept terrorists posing as refugees into the interior. "This is especially the case as Hamas terrorists have a long track record of co-mingling with civilian populations in Gaza," the le

Biden Cancels Replenishment of Strategic Oil Reserves

  The Biden administration will pause its replenishment of the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves because oil has become too expensive, the White House said. Earlier in his term, Biden drained about half of the U.S. oil reserves down to their lowest level in decades in order to try to lower gas prices, which surpassed a record national average of more than $5 per gallon in 2022 before coming back down. Now, Biden’s effort to replenish those reserves have been stalled. Critics warn that lower oil reserves are a national security issue for the U.S. If the reserves are low when a larger war or crisis occurs, refilling the reserves could be much more difficult and certainly more expensive. “It’s pure insanity to watch the Biden Administration cut American oil production and then claim they can’t refill our critical reserve because of the price,” Daniel Turner, founder and executive director for Power The Future, said in a statement. “Joe Biden drained the SPR for political rea

‘Shameful’: President Biden Takes Fire for Transitioning Easter

  President Joe Biden is under fire after the White House banned religious imagery for Easter this year and then proceeded to make this year’s Easter officially “Transgender Visibility Day.” It’s unclear whether the White House choosing to mark the most important Christian holiday as a transgender holiday was an intentional decision or a political gaffe. “The Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter – which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Banning sacred truth and tradition – while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day’ – is outrageous and abhorrent. The American people are taking note.” Biden posted on X Sunday honoring the new holiday. “On Transgender Day of Visibility, we celebrate the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know,” Biden wrote. “Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we se

Biden Administration Defends Decision to Nix Union Accountability Effort

  The Biden administration has removed a federal webpage dedicated to union transparency and accountability and apparently has no plans to replace it. The Center Square on Tuesday exclusively obtained a letter from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to 10 U.S. senators defending its decision to remove a webpage built to hold unions accountable. After the accountability webpage disappeared last year, an OPM spokesperson told The Center Square "previous reports on official time are not currently available because OPM is reorganizing our website to improve navigation and customer experience." Since then, OPM has declined to comment on the issue multiple times. As The Center Square previously reported, the Office of Personnel Management created the webpage in question to track “official time,” a practice when federal employees who are union members conduct union business during normal work hours, which means taxpayers pick up the tab. The practice has gone on f

Biden Defends His Mental Fitness After DOJ Report Calls Him 'Elderly Man With Poor Memory' [WATCH]

  President Joe Biden addressed the nation late Thursday to respond to news that the special counsel tasked with investigating his handling of classified documents had chosen not to charge him, but also questioned his mental capacity. The blockbuster special counsel report, while clearing Biden, sparked questions about Biden’s mental fitness when it called him an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Biden is 81 years old. “The special counsel released his findings today about their look into my handling of classified documents,” Biden said. “I was pleased to see he reached the firm conclusion that no charges should be brought against me in this case. This was an exhaustive investigation going back more than 40 years, even into the 1970’s when I was still a United States Senator.” During the remarks, Biden blamed his staff for the handling of classified documents and attempted to dispel questions about his memory. As The Center Squa

Read Full Text of the Report Clearing Biden in Classified Documents Probe

President Joe Biden won't be charged with a crime over his handling and sharing of classified documents. The 388-page Justice Department report found that Biden was careless with classified documents, but didn't commit a crime. Read the full report here : Brett Rowland Go to Source Reposted with permission

Special Counsel Report: Biden Couldn't Recall When He Was Vice President or When Son Died

  President Joe Biden won't be charged with a crime for his handling and sharing of classified documents, but the report clearing him of wrongdoing raises questions about his memory. The 81-year-old President is seeking another four-year term. After years of gaffes, on and off the campaign trail, the 388-page special counsel report highlights Biden's trouble remembering things, including the year his son died. "In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse," according to the report. "He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?"), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ("in 2009, am I still Vice President?"). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once s

Biden Rule Takes Lunch Money From Schools That Reject Progressive Agenda on Gender & Sexuality

A new Biden administration rule forces schools to comply with progressive ideology on gender and sexuality or risk losing federal aid for free and reduced-price school lunches. Legal observers say this is just the first in a slew of new rules on the horizon tying federal education funding to far-left policies on gender and sexuality. The school lunch funding controversy began in May 2022, as The Center Square previously reported , with an announcement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which handles federal help for school lunches. The USDA said at the time it would change its longstanding interpretation of Title IX, the law broadly governing discrimination protections in education. USDA said it would expand its previous prohibition against discriminating based on sex “to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” School lunch funding goes through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of USDA. “As a result, state and local agencies, progra

Biden Mandates Artificial Intelligence Advance 'Equity and Civil Rights'

  President Joe Biden has signed an executive order requiring that Artificial Intelligence technology advance “equity and civil rights.” Biden signed the order this week, putting more regulatory guidance in place for A.I., a rapidly developing technology that some experts warn could be used to harm everyday Americans. Biden took it a step further, though, saying that A.I. “must be consistent with my Administration’s dedication to advancing equity and civil rights.” “My Administration cannot — and will not — tolerate the use of AI to disadvantage those who are already too often denied equal opportunity and justice,” the order says. Biden administration officials, including the Assistant to the President and Director of the Gender Policy Council, have also been tasked with finding “accelerated hiring pathways” for the right people on this issue, as defined by the administration. The order also seeks to "address algorithmic discrimination" in part by increasing “c

Biden’s Funding Request Takes Fire, Has Little Hope in Stalled House

President Joe Biden requested more than $100 billion for a range of domestic and international issues, but that proposition has taken criticism and has little chance of moving forward unless the House of Representatives elects a speaker amenable to the idea. Biden made the request in a speech Friday, asking for about $105 billion in funding. According to the White House, Biden’s request includes $61 billion for Ukraine in its war against Russia, $14 billion for U.S. immigration problems, and about $14 billion for Israel, which is locked in a war with the terrorist group, Hamas. “In Israel, we must make sure that they have what they need to protect their people today and always,” Biden said in his address. The request also includes $10 billion for humanitarian aid in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine and elsewhere as well as $2 billion for nations in the Indo-Pacific region, most notably Taiwan, which national security experts say could be invaded by China at any time. That request cam

White House Bets $7 Billion on Hydrogen Hubs

  The Biden administration cut a $7 billion check on Friday to launch its vision for a hydrogen-fueled future. The money augments $40 billion in private investment to build seven hydrogen hubs across the nation that will decarbonize transportation and industrial manufacturing, slashing 25 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The amount “roughly” equates to removing 5.5 million gasoline-powered vehicles from the road, or just under 2% of the estimated 286 million operational cars in the United States. After calling climate change “the only existential threat to humanity” during a news conference in Philadelphia, President Joe Biden touted federal infrastructure spending as the key to reigning in greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning away from fossil fuel reliance. “Today’s announcement is all part of a bigger vision to do just that,” he said. The hydrogen hubs expand across seven regions and 16 states, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia

President Biden Says Women Have a Fundamental Right to an Abortion

President Joe Biden on Tuesday called a woman's right to abortion "fundamental" after a draft of a U.S. Supreme Court opinion leaked to Politico indicates a majority of justices will rule to overturn Roe v. Wade. "I believe that a woman's right to choose is fundamental," Biden said in a statement. "Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned." The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right. But Politico reported that at least five Supreme Court justices will rule to overturn that decision based on the leaked draft document. Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett signed on to the opinion, according to Politico. All were nominated by Republican presidents. "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," the justices wrote in a draft decid

States Fight Biden's Prison-to-Streets Pipeline for Illegal Immigrant Convicts

The Biden administration has allowed a more than eleven-fold increase in the number of illegal immigrant convicts let out of Texas prisons and into the general U.S. population, despite federal immigration law requiring ICE to take convicts into custody after serving their time, usually in advance of deportation. The disclosure emerges from state-initiated litigation that is beginning to shed light on what critics call the administration's secretive and lenient handling of immigrants beginning last year – treatment that is imperiling public safety, alarmed state authorities say. Soon after President Joe Biden assumed office a year ago January, agents of federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement began dropping their usually automatic requests to take custody from Texas authorities of illegal immigrant convicts set to be released from the state's prisons and jails, so they could be deported. In the past, few such convicts were exempt from the process. From 2017 to 2020, IC

Biden Extends Mass Transit Mask Mandate

  The Biden administration extended the federal mask mandate for public transportation Thursday even as states and local governments around the country drop their mandates. The Transportation Security Administration announced the mandate would be in effect through April 18 of this year. It applies to federally regulated public transit such as planes, trains and airports. “At CDC’s recommendation, TSA will extend the security directive for mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs for one month, through April 18th,” the TSA said. “During that time, CDC will work with government agencies to help inform a revised policy framework for when, and under what circumstances, masks should be required in the public transportation corridor. This revised framework will be based on the COVID-19 community levels, risk of new variants, national data, and the latest science. We will communicate any updates publicly if and/or when they change.” The decision came as a surprise to

Biden Divides Democrats with Calls to 'Fund the Police'

Tuesday was not Biden’s first time to emphasize 'fund the police.' He has consistently held that message, defying others in his party. Last June, Biden called for hiring more police to stop the wave of violent crime that continues to sweep across American cities. President Joe Biden blasted the defund the police movement during his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, but others in his party are not going along with his messaging. "We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police," Biden said in his address. "The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities." A Politico/Morning Consult  poll released recently found that 75% of surveyed Americans say that “the defunding of police departments” is “a reason that violent crime is increasing in the United States.” The survey reports that 49% said defunding police was a “major reason” for the rise in violent crime while 26% said it was

Biden Divides Democrats with Calls to 'Fund the Police'

Tuesday was not Biden’s first time to emphasize 'fund the police.' He has consistently held that message, defying others in his party. Last June, Biden called for hiring more police to stop the wave of violent crime that continues to sweep across American cities. President Joe Biden blasted the defund the police movement during his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, but others in his party are not going along with his messaging. "We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police," Biden said in his address. "The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities." A Politico/Morning Consult  poll released recently found that 75% of surveyed Americans say that “the defunding of police departments” is “a reason that violent crime is increasing in the United States.” The survey reports that 49% said defunding police was a “major reason” for the rise in violent crime while 26% said it was

Biden Takes on Ukraine, Inflation in State of the Union address

Biden called for securing the border and fixing the immigration system and pointed to new border technology, joint patrols and dedicated immigration judges. He also called for providing a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers.” President Joe Biden delivered the State of the Union address for the first time in his presidency Tuesday night, tackling a range of issues from the invasion of Ukraine and the status of the economy to funding police and securing the border. “Last year, COVID-19 kept us apart,” Biden said to kick off the address. “This year, we're finally together again.” Biden quickly turned to Russia, rebuking Russian President Vladimir Putin for the invasion of Ukraine. “Tonight, I'm announcing that we will join our allies in closing off American airspace to all Russian flights, further isolating Russia and adding an additional squeeze on their economy,” Biden said. The ambassador from Ukraine attended the address and received a standing ovation. Biden also

Experts Raise Alarm Over 'Fiscal State of the Union' Ahead of Biden's Speech

The report said experts point to policy “missteps” as a key factor. President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the State of the Union address Tuesday evening, and economic and fiscal policy experts are raising the alarm about the fiscal state of the nation. The National Association for Business Economics (NABE) released its economic growth projections for the next quarter and downgraded their forecasts. "NABE panelists have downgraded their forecasts for economic growth in 2022,” the report said. “The median forecast for inflation-adjusted gross domestic product (real GDP) growth from the fourth quarter (Q4) 2021 to Q4 2022 is 2.9% – down from the 3.6% forecasted in the December 2021 Outlook Survey. In general, panelists anticipate further deceleration in GDP growth in 2023: the median forecast calls for GDP growth of 2.3%.” The report said experts point to policy “missteps” as a key factor. “Thirty percent of panelists identify monetary policy missteps as the greatest

COVID Crack Pipe Relief: Biden Wants Taxpayers to Fund Crack & Meth Kits

Reports of a new Biden administration grant program has drawn widespread criticism for its efforts to reduce the spread of disease by providing crack pipes at taxpayer expense. The application window for the $30 million “harm reduction” program grant closed Monday. The three-year grant program was funded through President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill pushed through by Democrats in March of last year. It specifically outlines syringes and “safe smoking kits/supplies” as an approved use of federal funds. “The purpose of the program is to support community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services,” the grant said. “Funding will be used to enhance overdose and other types of prevention activities to help control the spread of infectious diseases and the consequences of such diseases for individuals with, or at risk of developing substance use disorders (SUD)...” A spokesman from the De