
Showing posts with the label breakingnews

Waukesha County DA Candidate Lesli Boese Slams Mike Thurston Over Chisholm Donations

"To say my opponent’s donations are a concern would be an understatement. Thurston donated more to John Chisholm than Darrell Brooks’ bail was set at - that speaks volumes" -prosecutor Lesli Boese. Waukesha County DA candidate Lesli Boese is slamming DA candidate Mike Thurston for his repeated donations to Democratic Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, saying that Thurston "donated more to John Chisholm than Darrell Brooks' bail was set at." In a previous interview with Wisconsin Right Now , Thurston stated that he doesn't recall making four of the five donations to the controversial Democratic DA, although they are documented in campaign finance reports. He defended the donation he does recall, in 2016, by saying that the candidate Chisholm was running against then, Verona Swanigan, was the "far worse" candidate in the race. However, Swanigan was the candidate heavily backed by conservatives (like Dick Uihlein and Eric O&#

Advocates Demand Accountability at Milwaukee Public Schools Ahead of Possible Superintendent Discipline

Milwaukee’s superintendent could soon be out of a job. The city’s school board will meet late Monday afternoon to discuss Superintendent Keith Posley’s future. The meeting comes after Milwaukee parents' blowback over proposed budget cuts, the state's threat to withhold millions of dollars in school aid, and activists in the city's demand for “accountability.” “These are serious violations that directly call into question MPS’ financial stewardship of taxpayer dollars. We are dismayed, though not surprised, that our concerns have been proven well-founded – and we repeat our calls that Milwaukee cannot afford for business as usual to continue at MPS,” City Forward Collective Executive Director Colleston Morgan Jr. said Friday. Posley has not answered questions about how MPS missed last year’s deadline for two state-required financial reports. Last week, Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction threatened to withhold $15 million in general state and special edu

I’m Voting For Donald Trump Because Judicial Misconduct Is Terrifying [WRN VOICES]

Ed Delgado is the Host of The Ed Delgado Show My name is Ed Delgado. I am an American. And I will be voting for Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America this November. What we have seen today’s guilty verdict in the Trump trial should scare the hell out of every one of us. This trial, to oversimplify things, was, is, and always will be a joke. To try someone for a misdemeanor that has passed the statute of limitations, to ignore the lies of Michael Cohen - who not only paid off Stormy Daniels on his own but also allegedly stole money from the Trump Organization - to have a judge stack the deck in such an egregious manner of what we will learn soon enough: judicial misconduct is terrifying. It is terrifying because if this can happen to someone like President Donald Trump, even with all of his resources, what hope do people like you and I have? Let’s take a little trip down memory lane. In what seems like a lifetime ago in 2016, I wrote an article fro

The Wall That Heals: Hartland, Wisconsin, Vietnam Wall Replica Will Move You to Tears

It will move you to tears. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall replica in Hartland, Wisconsin, is profoundly moving, a sobering reminder of the staggering loss of young men, and women, we must never forget and always honor. I went to see the replica Wall in the late evening hours on Saturday, June 1. There's something especially profound about seeing it at night, lit up against a night sky with electric candles flickering against the plastic-covered photos and newspaper articles that have been lovingly placed near names. The Fire Department has erected a massive America flag. It's open 24 hours. Hartland is a very patriotic community, and I'm glad that I live in a county where people appreciate and honor the service and sacrifice, of these brave young men and women. [gallery ids="206693,206694,206695,206696,206697,206698,206699,206700,206701,206702,206703,206704,206705,206706"] There's still a chance to see it, if you haven't yet. The replica Wa

Trump Campaign Says It Hauled in Record $34.8M in Donations After Conviction

  Donald Trump’s campaign announced Friday that they raised $34.8 million in small-dollar donations in the aftermath of the former president’s conviction on 34 felonies in a hush money trial. "Today, the Trump campaign announced a record-shattering small-dollar fundraising haul following the sham Biden Trial verdict totaling $34.8 million – nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform," the Trump campaign posted on Truth Social, the social media platform Trump created after he was banned from Twitter. One of Trump's main fundraising websites crashed within minutes after the verdict was announced on Thursday, an early indication that the conviction may trigger a flood of donations from supporters. "From just minutes after the sham trial verdict was announced, our digital fundraising system was overwhelmed with support, and despite temporary delays online because of the amount of traffic, President Trump raised $3

What Do We Do Now? [WRN VOICES]

If you are like me, you really expected a “Trump guilty” verdict based on the biases of the judge and jury in New York.  We knew the odds were stacked against him.  We knew the judge dictated actions in the courtroom that benefited the prosecution and hindered the defense. He was a friend to the prosecution that was so obvious as to be obscene.  We knew the judge also has a daughter heavily invested in the Democratic Party.  On the payroll.  We knew the judge made rulings designed to stifle the defense and shut Trump up.  Gag orders?  Unbelievable.   And how does one find a non-biased jury in a totally Democratic area of New York?    How does one make up a “crime” to go after a former president when no real crime was committed? Yet, when the ruling came in, I did feel upset and very angry.  Even though I expected it,  it was rather sad. They shamelessly did it.  Disgusting. The left celebrated, not realizing how awful this is for our country.  Let them rejoice for the time be

Every City is the Bronx [WRN VOICES]

“Do you know what today feels like? A baseball game. Everybody’s rooting for America.” —Lou Valentino All Trump rallies have a similar feel to them—always fun and full of positive energy and love for America. But something more significant occurred at the latest Trump rally in the Bronx, as Trump took a break from the blatantly politicized trial against him in New York to do a rally in one of the bluest areas of the country. You’d have to go back to 1980 for the last time a Republican presidential candidate visited the Bronx when Ronald Reagan paid a visit during the disastrous presidency of Jimmy Carter. “There’s a lot of people coming out here. It just looks so diverse…it’s just defeating every narrative there is. And Democrats are about to have a hard time in November because now New Yorkers are probably going to wake up and ask who are the politicians representing me? This is not about Trump; it is about Trump's strategy of coming here and putting pressure on them. And D

HOW TO DONATE TO TRUMP: Americans Rally Around Trump After Sham Verdict

Americans are rallying around President Trump after the sham verdict in liberal Manhattan, and Google searches for "how to donate to Trump" have skyrocketed. You can donate to Trump here. We previously summarized 14 things all Americans need to know about the ridiculous indictment against Trump. We could add many more now that the trial has concluded, from the judge's Biden donation to the indictment's failure to articulate the "other crime." Americans see through this sham verdict. Trump's donation website briefly crashed after the verdict. "The American people see through Crooked Joe Biden's rigged show trial," Trump's campaign wrote on X. "So many Americans were moved to donate to President Trump's campaign that the WinRed pages went down. We are working on getting the website back online as quickly as possible. Stay strong." It was later reported that the website was back working. Donate to Trump: Man

The Trump Show Trial Tribulations [Up Against the Wall]

It’s difficult to keep up on all the machinations going on in politics these days. Normal people don’t want to hear about it; we’re just frustrated and pissed off quite honestly, which is why the Dems' strategy may backfire on them. While we all know a few people who love drama and can’t live without it, most humans don’t like drama. They’ll vote to get rid of Biden just to reduce the drama. I like to call the Dems’ strategy “all chaos, all the time,” but that’s a recipe for disaster for them, because sooner or later, people will have had enough. They’re worn out from it. And this phony show trial in NY is part of it. I mean, really, this case comes down to this; a single line on an invoice: “Legal Services…..$130,000” while the prosecution says the line item should have said this: “Campaign Expenditure….$130,000." Of course, had Trump’s accountant booked the expenditure that way, it would have been illegal, which is the irony in all this. And can someone explain to me h

Milwaukee Felon Attacks Brookfield Officer, Drags Him With Car in Mall Parking Lot, Police Say

An armed Milwaukee felon attacked a City of Brookfield police officer during a traffic stop at Brookfield Square Mall, dragging him with a vehicle after giving a false name, according  to a press release from Brookfield police. The City of Brookfield police officer "was injured this evening while attempting to take custody of a subject who resisted arrest and physically assaulted the officer. The officer was treated and released from an area hospital," the release says. "The suspect was apprehended by responding officers and will be held at the Waukesha County Jail pending criminal charges being filed by the Waukesha County District Attorney’s Office," it says. The release gave the following details. According to Brookfield police: "This incident began when the officer made a traffic stop in the lot of Brookfield Square Mall at approximately 6:44 PM on May 28, 2024. The suspect (driver) provided the officer with a false name and date of birth. When

Waukesha County Prosecutor Zach Wittchow Enters Race to Succeed Judge Brad Schimel

Judge Brad Schimel and Waukesha DA Sue Opper have endorsed prosecutor Zach Wittchow. Waukesha County Assistant District Attorney Zach Wittchow, who was one of the prosecutors in the Waukesha Christmas parade case, announced his candidacy for Waukesha County Circuit Court, Branch 6, which is the seat being vacated by Judge Brad Schimel, who is running for state Supreme Court and who has endorsed Wittchow as his successor on the bench. Waukesha County DA Sue Opper, Wittchow's current boss, also endorsed him. "Having worked side-by-side with law enforcement officials throughout his career, Zach has a proven track record in public safety and a reputation for getting justice for crime victims," a press release from Wittchow's campaign says. "With over a decade of experience as a prosecutor, Zach has litigated complex constitutional issues and has tried more than 50 cases to juries. He has worked tirelessly to secure convictions against hundreds of drug dealer

Fond Du Lac Sexual Assault Case Demonstrates Failure of Biden's Open Border Policy, State Rep Says

The Fond du Lac County arrest of a man who entered the country illegally in a child sexual assault case shows that child sex trafficking doesn't just occur in big cities and highlights the "ongoing dangers of Biden and the Democrat Party's open border policies," a Republican state representative says. Representative Jerry O’Connor (R-Fond du Lac) released the following statement after the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest and revealed that the suspect, whose real name is not clear, had crossed into the country illegally over the U.S.-Mexico border. “On Sunday afternoon, a member of the FDL community called the FDL County Sheriff’s Department to report that a 12-year-old girl had come to their door asking for help after she escaped a man who had purchased her from her mother, bound and blindfolded her before attempting to sexually assault her," O'Connor wrote in a news release. "Miraculously, the girl was able to fight back an

The Madison Thought (& Energy) Police Strike Again [Up Against the Wall]

Welcome Comrade, to East Germany Madison, where we insist that not only you turn over your private data on your private property to us, the energy police, but we also, for your convenience comrade, tell you to what say and think about our demands. We wouldn’t want the proletariat to think negative thoughts, so we, the Bourgeoisie (note we capitalized the term for you) have conveniently provided you with the thoughts and words that you will say to others about our demands. Failure to comply will mean cancellation and banishment to Siberia. You will post these words on your social media accounts and web site to demonstrate your faithful compliance and your support of the collective: “Benchmarking and tune-ups save energy and money. Buildings that consistently benchmark improve their energy efficiency by an average of 8%, and tune-ups cut energy use by an average of 12%. That means big savings on your energy bills. Saving energy also cuts carbon and air pollution. Currently, commerc

Washington County's Jim Piwowarczyk Files Signatures to Get on 98th Assembly Ballot as Momentum Grows

Town of Erin, WI – Former law enforcement officer Jim Piwowarczyk filed over 300 signatures to secure access to the 98th Assembly District ballot on Thursday, as momentum grows behind the conservative news publisher in the Washington and Waukesha County race. “I am really thankful for the positive and enthusiastic reception that my candidacy has received,” Piwowarczyk said. “I have knocked on more than 2,000 doors in the district, and I have enjoyed meeting voters and hearing their concerns. Voters are deeply concerned about the state of the economy and the border crisis, especially, and I would enjoy fighting hard to tackle those concerns and more in the state Legislature.” Piwowarczyk, 53, a Republican who supports President Donald Trump, has been endorsed by top leaders in Washington and Waukesha Counties, where the district lies. He is the only candidate in the race to submit enough signatures to get on the ballot in the newly drawn 98th so far, which includes the City and To

Nathan Peskie, DCI Special Agent, EXONERATED by Dane County DA

Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne has exonerated a DCI special agent, Nathan Peskie, in the shooting that already led to a not-guilty jury verdict against another agent, Mark Wagner. Ozanne wrote that Peskie was legally justified to fire his weapon at violent felon drug dealer Quadren Wilson because he reasonably believed that a fellow law enforcement officer, Wagner, had been shot. The May 6 press release is headlined, "NO CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR DCI SPECIAL AGENT NATHAN PESKIE IN THE OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING INCIDENT IN THE CITY OF MADISON ON 2-3-2022." However, if you Google Peskie's name, you get no news stories about Ozanne fully exonerating him on May 6; mostly, you get stories about him testifying during Wagner's trial. That's not fair. At Wisconsin Right Now, we believe the public deserves to know that Nathan Peskie, like Wagner, a respected law enforcement officer, was also completely cleared. “Under these circumstances, SA Peskie’s acti

Biden's DOJ Authorized 'Lethal Force' Against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

President Joe Biden's Department of Justice authorized the FBI to use "lethal force" against his top political rival, President Donald Trump, in the Mar-a-lago documents raid. Trump's attorneys Todd Blanche and Christopher M. Kise filed the motion on Feb. 22, 2024, but it was just released. The court document says "the Mar-a-Lago raid was executed in an egregious fashion and in bad faith." Their motion contains the revelation, which derived from an “Operations Order” produced in discovery. The Order contained a “Policy Statement” regarding “Use Of Deadly Force,” the motion says. That policy statement stated, for example, "'Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary . . . .” Id. at USA-01285183. The agents planned to bring 'Standard Issue Weapon[s],' 'Ammo,' 'Handcuffs,' and 'medium and large sized bolt cutters,' but they were instructed to wear 'unmarked polo or

UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone Apologizes But Doesn't Withdraw Agreement

UW-Milwaukee's chancellor is apologizing for weighing in on geopolitical issues but isn't withdrawing the controversial agreement that weighed in on geopolitical issues. UW-Milwaukee's Chancellor Mark Mone has apologized for the university's decision to weigh in on "deeply complex geopolitical and historical issues." "It is clear to me that UWM should not have weighed in on deeply complex geopolitical and historical issues. And for that, I apologize," Mone wrote in a public statement on May 21. However, Mone's statement does not say anything about withdrawing or negating the university's controversial agreement with pro-Palestinian activists, which calls for a ceasefire, uses Hamas propaganda to accuse Israel of plausible genocide, and labels Israeli detainees (who include militants and terrorists) "hostages," while demanding their release. In other words, by not withdrawing the agreement, Mone is apologizing that the un

DEBUNKED: False Claim That Eric Hovde Used Antisemitic Slur

Actually, Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin is the Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate who has taken anti-Israel positions, including flip-flopping on a ceasefire. An error-riddled article that falsely trashes Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde contradicts its own central claim... in the same story. How irresponsible is the article by Haaretz journalist Ben Samuels ? This is the "shock" headline that is certain to end up in a Democratic campaign ad: "Trump-Backed GOP Front-Runner For Wisconsin Senate Seat Has History Of Invoking Antisemitic Slurs." The evidence for this extremely irresponsible accusation is that the pro-Israel Hovde allegedly used the term "shyster." However, in the same article, Haaretz admits, "The term 'shyster' is not by definition an explicitly antisemitic slur." Despite this glaring concession, which destroys the story's own headline, the Wisconsin Democratic Party immediately leaped on the claim,