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Read Full Text of the Report Clearing Biden in Classified Documents Probe

President Joe Biden won't be charged with a crime over his handling and sharing of classified documents. The 388-page Justice Department report found that Biden was careless with classified documents, but didn't commit a crime. Read the full report here : Brett Rowland Go to Source Reposted with permission

Special Counsel Report: Biden Couldn't Recall When He Was Vice President or When Son Died

  President Joe Biden won't be charged with a crime for his handling and sharing of classified documents, but the report clearing him of wrongdoing raises questions about his memory. The 81-year-old President is seeking another four-year term. After years of gaffes, on and off the campaign trail, the 388-page special counsel report highlights Biden's trouble remembering things, including the year his son died. "In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse," according to the report. "He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?"), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ("in 2009, am I still Vice President?"). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once s

Wisconsin Agencies Want $7.5 Billion More In Next State Budget

Wisconsin lawmakers won’t begin writing the next state budget until next year, but they are already being flooded with requests for billions of dollars more in state money. The Institute for Reforming Government is out with a new analysis that says Gov. Tony Evers' state agencies want $7.5 billion in new dollars for the 2023-2025 state budget. “While most of Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s families are sitting around the kitchen table trying to put together their budgets with the same amount of money coming in the door, even while prices are rising, the folks in Madison don’t seem bothered by inflation at all. In fact, they’re willing to take more money,” IRG’s Director of State Budget and Government Reform Alex Ignatowski told The Center Square Tuesday. IRG found the largest budget increase comes from Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction, which is asking for $2.5 billion in new funding. “They are trying to say that this money is going to trickle down to local schools,”