Victim's Son EVISCERATES John Chisholm at Darrell Brooks' Sentencing, Calls Him a 'Coward'
A murder victim's son went after Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm hard at Darrell Brooks' sentencing, calling him a "coward" whose bail policies are partly responsible for Brooks being on the streets to commit the Waukesha parade attack.
"He (Chisholm) is a coward who hides from the accountability of his office's negligence," the victim's son said during the Nov. 15, 2022, sentencing. "If he had a tiny single sliver of integrity he would resign. Not once has Mr. Chisholm said three simple words to these victims and families: 'I am sorry.'"
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The son laid into Brooks, calling him a "repulsive" narcissists, and saying that his name "brings anger and hatred into my heart." Then he said that he holds two other people culpable for his mother's murder: Brooks' mother and Milwaukee County District Attor...