
Showing posts with the label schoolchoice

Evers' School Choice Opposition is Hurting Him With Key Independent Voters, Poll Finds

Support for educational freedom is strong in Wisconsin and could hurt Gov. Evers at the ballot box, a poll found. Most Wisconsinites favor the Wisconsin School Choice program, with more than half of independents and Republicans supporting it, a new poll shows. The poll also shows that Gov. Tony Evers' opposition to school choice is hurting him with the crucial independent voting base needed to win re-election. The poll shows that 56% of people favor the Wisconsin School Choice program. Only 26% oppose it. Even 36% of Democrats support it. Support is strong among independents, with 54% favoring it and 25% not favoring it. Among Republicans, 77% favor it, and 11% do not. Voters were asked, "As you may know, Governor Evers strongly opposes opening up Wisconsin’s School Choice program to every family in the state. Does this make you more or less likely to vote for Evers for re-election this fall?" In the poll, 46% said it would make them less likely to vote for Ever

Wisconsin Voters Favor Expanding School Choice, New Poll Finds

Support for school choice is robust in Wisconsin as the Great Parental Awakening grows. There's strong choice for expanding school choice among Wisconsin voters, and support for educational freedom crosses political lines, according to a new poll. "Wisconsin voters strongly support making all families eligible for the state’s school choice programs and favor ending funding inequities between choice, charter, and traditional public schools," according to a February 21, 2022, news release from School Choice Wisconsin. Although more than half of Republicans and Independents support school choice, more than one-third of Democrats did too, the poll found. It also found that 64.6% of voters want to see school choice expanded so that all parents can make their own decisions about where to send their children to school, regardless of income. SCW released the results on education issues "in a scientific, random sample poll conducted earlier this month by one of the n

Lee Snodgrass: Dem Leader's Anti-Parent Tweet Falls Flat With Voters

Lee Snodgrass's derogatory tweet fared poorly in a new poll, which showed strong support for Wisconsin's school choice programs. State Rep. Lee Snodgrass, D-Appleton, tweeted that parents should not "have a say" in their child's education unless they home school their kids or pay for private school tuition out of their "family budget." That arrogant attitude isn't sitting well with Wisconsin voters throughout the state, including in Democratic-leaning areas, according to a new poll. Snodgrass is the Vice Chair of the state Democratic Party. In a press release, School Choice Wisconsin, which commissioned the poll, wrote that Wisconsin voters "are sharply at odds with a Democratic party official and legislator who said parents who want 'to have a say in their child’s education' should home school or pay private school tuition." In the release, Nic Kelly, president of School Choice Wisconsin, said the survey (further results t

Tommy Thompson Pushes Major School Choice Expansion For All

When people have a choice, public schools "have to compete," said Thompson. He believes choice makes all schools better. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson pushed a major expansion of school choice in Wisconsin Friday, urging the state to make school choice available for all Wisconsin parents who want it, saying that rules and regulations limiting who can use the popular program should be removed. "Why should there be restrictions on people having choice?" asked Thompson. "Why should we not have everybody have choice?" From a poor family in Elroy to a person who is middle-income in Middleton, "why should they be deprived from having an opportunity to make a choice?" If you "leave it up to the parents, they will make the right decision, if the state gives us the opportunity. Get rid of the rules and regulations. Allow whoever wants to choose, choose," said Thompson. Republican gubernatorial candidates Rebecca Kleefisch and Kevin Nichols

How the Milwaukee School Choice Program Inspired a National Movement

In 1990, the Milwaukee School Choice Program served only 341 students at seven schools. Last year nearly 29,000 students — 1 in 4 Milwaukee school children —used it to attend 129 private schools. More than three decades have passed since former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson signed into law the nation’s first modern parent choice program. The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program inspired a national movement. Thirty-two other states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico now have their own parent choice programs, serving more than 600,000 students. The pandemic has fueled recent growth and awakened parents everywhere to the importance of being able to choose the education that’s best for their children. [caption id="attachment_47027" align="alignleft" width="282"] Gov. Tommy Thompson[/caption] As part of National School Choice Week, supporters from around Wisconsin will gather at Lambeau Field Friday night to celebrate progress. I will have the h

Universal School Choice: The Position of Likely & Declared WI Gubernatorial Candidates

"No family should be excluded. Options must be available to every child growing up in Wisconsin," a major report on universal school choice says. The drumbeat for universal school choice in Wisconsin is growing; three of the most prominently mentioned Republicans who may run for Wisconsin governor and the one declared candidate told Wisconsin Right Now that they support giving all Wisconsin parents the right to choose the best school for their children. Their comments come on the heels of a new report released by Common Sense Wisconsin; it was co-authored by Bill McCoshen, a veteran lobbyist who was former Gov. Tommy Thompson's Commerce Secretary. McCoshen has said he's considering a run for governor. Specifically, the plan urges the state to "expand school choice to all areas of the state and eliminating the income limits for participants." We asked Jonathan Wichmann, Rebecca Kleefisch, and Kevin Nicholson whether they also support universal school