
Showing posts with the label support

New Mexico Poll: Biden’s Support in America’s Most Hispanic State Declines Dramatically

  President Joe Biden’s support in America’s most Hispanic state has declined dramatically, according to a new poll. Biden trails former president Donald Trump 57-41 in New Mexico, representing a sharp reversal from his 54-44 victory in 2020, according to the poll, conducted by Public Option Strategies in conjunction with Power the Future, an energy worker advocacy group. The reversal of fortunes for Biden in New Mexico seems to be driven by dissatisfaction among Hispanic voters. Only 36% of Hispanic poll respondents approve of Biden, compared to 53% in July 2022. Conversely, 63% of Hispanic voters disapprove of Biden, compared to 43% in July 2022, according to the poll. Biden easily beat Trump among New Mexico's Hispanic voters 61% to 38% in the 2020 election. Biden’s struggles in New Mexico might be reflective of a broader backlash against his performance overall, as evidenced by national polling. Nationally, 58% of voters disapprove of Biden's performance, in contr

Wisconsin Republicans Blast Ranked Choice Voting Proposal

“Final five or ranked-choice voting has to be one of the most foolish pieces of legislation I've seen introduced this session, and that's saying a lot” - Rep. Barb Dittrich There is not a lot of Republican support for a plan to change how Wisconsin would vote in upcoming elections. The Senate Committee on Elections heard a plan to introduce ranked choice voting in the state. “Right now, the parties are incentivized to hold power, and they do that through party primaries,” former Wisconsin Republican Congressman Reid Ribble, said during the hearing. “What final five [voting] does is eliminate partisan primaries.” The ranked voting plan has support from both Republicans and Democrats at the Wisconsin Capitol. A score of Republicans criticized the plan after the hearing. Rep. Rick Gundrum, R-Slinger, said ranked-choice voting makes elections less secure and less transparent. “It will reduce voter confidence, and threaten accurate ballot counting, Gundrum said. Re

Poll: Voters Support Funding Police, Dealing With Violent Crime

The newly passed SAFE-T Act in Illinois all but abolishes cash bail. Critics say this means that some charged with serious crimes like second-degree murder or kidnapping will be freed without a hearing. Voters largely support policies allowing police to detain suspects charged with violent crimes, a new poll shows. That's in contrast to recent policies being enacted in Illinois. Convention of States Action, along with Trafalgar Group, released the poll , which found that the vast majority of surveyed Americans do not support policies that keep law enforcement from detaining those accused of violent crimes. The poll found that 95.6% of those surveyed “say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports policies which prevent police from detaining criminals charged with violent crimes, such as kidnapping and armed robbery.” “Crime is the beneath-the-iceberg issue for voters in 2022, it’s absolutely clear in these numbers,” said Mark Meckler, president of the Conven