
Showing posts with the label TammyBaldwin

Senator Tammy Baldwin Voices Support for Bringing Palestinian Refugees to the U.S.

"Sen. Baldwin's support for bringing thousands of Hamas supporters into America and making taxpayers bear the burden of providing housing, health care and schooling is incomprehensible and a dereliction of duty" - Businessman Eric Hovde. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin), under growing pressure from left-wing pro-Hamas activists, is voicing support for a possible Joe Biden plan to bring Palestinian refugees into the U.S. from Gaza. Baldwin, a liberal, has already flip-flopped and called for Israel to engage in a ceasefire with the terrorist group Hamas, after being hounded by pro-Gaza activists at campaign appearances. She has a long history of going soft on Israel's enemies, including Iran. She has also been weak on border issues and immigration. "One vulnerable senator POLITICO surveyed gave a slightly more positive response to the administration’s reported plans" than other Dem

Sen. Tammy Baldwin Slips 'Through the Back Door' During UW-Green Bay Student Protest: Report

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, under growing fire from the left, slipped out of a room at UW-Green Bay through a back door about 30 minutes early during an event organized to help students vote for her. That's according to Dane Snudden, writing for Fight Back! News, who reported that "student pro-Palestine protesters cut Sen. Tammy Baldwin event short, make her leave." According to Snudden, "Baldwin exited the room through the back door cutting her one hour event short by 30 minutes." The story comes as businessman Eric Hovde has tied Baldwin among likely voters in the most recent Wisconsin poll. The Fight Back! News site broke the story of the Baldwin exodus on April 25, although it occurred on March 22. According to Fight Back! News, the event, with Baldwin as a guest speaker, was interrupted by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The event was held by the College Democrats. The protest came even tho

Eric Hovde TIES Wisconsin Senate Race Against Sen. Tammy Baldwin With Likely Voters

It all adds up to one thing: Tammy Baldwin and Joe Biden are in trouble in the key swing state of Wisconsin. Businessman Eric Hovde has TIED the Wisconsin Senate race against U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin with likely voters, a dramatic narrowing of the race since he entered it just over two months ago. The poll also showed former President Donald Trump with a narrow lead over President Joe Biden in Wisconsin. Trump led Biden 51% to 49% among both likely and registered voters. It should be noted that in the 2016 election, the Marquette poll, although considered the most credible Wisconsin poll, dramatically underestimated Trump's support. The good news for Hovde, the Wisconsin-raised businessman who lives in the Madison area, comes as he has hammered Baldwin on her weak record on the border and her rubber stamping of the Joe Biden agenda. Baldwin has also been hit on the left by pro-Gaza activists who pushed her to flip slop and support a ceasefire.

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's History of Going Soft on Iran Draws Renewed Scrunity

In 2012, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, then a U.S. Representative, "was against Iranian sanctions before she was for them." Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's vote to give Iran access to billions of dollars in assets is back under scrutiny with news that Iran has attacked Israel. Her record of going soft on Iran for years by voting against sanctions is, too. Baldwin, a Democrat running for re-election against businessman Eric Hovde, earned a "full flop" from Politifact in 2012 for toughening her stance against Iran at election time after years of voting AGAINST sanctions for the terrorist regime. Her then-opponent, former Gov. Tommy Thompson, accused her of having a "complete change of heart" at election time, and Politifact found evidence of that. Hovde has also hammered Baldwin on Iran. "America must stand with Israel, our ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. It’s inconceivable that Pr

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Repeatedly Supported Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants

This story is part of Wisconsin Right Now's efforts to educate voters about the record of U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin has supported sanctuary cities multiple times over the years, U.S. Senate records show. For example, she voted against a bill that would have stripped federal grants from sanctuary cities. The bill would also have toughened penalties against aggravated felon illegal immigrants who reenter the country after being removed following a criminal conviction. Baldwin's current solution to illegal immigration affecting Wisconsin communities? She wants to send more U.S. tax dollars to them. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures , sanctuary cities are "jurisdictions that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities, such as failing to provide information about immigration status and limiting the length of immigration detainers." This is consistent with Tammy Baldwin's pro-illegal immigrant

Milwaukee Police Seek Protester Who Punched Cop at Tammy Baldwin Fundraiser

Milwaukee police are seeking the suspect who they say struck a police officer at a fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Hounded for weeks by pro-Palestinian protesters, Baldwin recently flipped and supported a ceasefire that would prevent Israel from defending itself in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. Things escalated outside a Baldwin event on February 18. "Milwaukee Police are investigating a Battery of a Police Officer that occurred on February 18, 2024, at approximately 12:49 p.m., on the 200 block of W. Wisconsin Ave," police wrote on February 27, releasing pictures of the suspect. [caption id="attachment_162075" align="alignnone" width="1200"] The Tammy Baldwin protester.[/caption] The suspect is described as a Caucasian female, who is approximately 30 years of age, 5’8”, and 200 pounds with a large build. She has long black hair and a medium complexion. She was last seen wearing a long black coat, a gray shirt, de

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Spreads Misinformation About Teen's Tragic Death

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin is spreading misinformation about a teenager's tragic death in another state. The Democratic senator has failed to correct the comments even as additional information contradicts her narrative. To be clear: The death of Nex Benedict in Oklahoma is a tragedy. However, the fact of the matter is that no one knows yet how Benedict died. What is known is that, based on preliminary medical examiner's findings, Benedict did NOT die from trauma following a fight that involved the teen and a group of girls in an Oklahoma high school bathroom the day before Benedict died. Yet that did not stop Baldwin from calling Benedict's death a "killing," and further implying that "hate-filled violence" took the life of the teen. [caption id="attachment_161987" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Tammy Baldwin's post on Nex Benedict.[/caption] On Feb. 21, Baldwin wrote on X , " The killing of Nex B

'POTUS & Tammy': Gov. Evers' Spokesperson Compares Tammy Baldwin to Joe Biden

Gov. Tony Evers' spokesperson says U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin is similar to President Joe Biden. That comparison, although accurate, seems to be a politically risky move due to the president's unpopularity in the polls, but there sat Baldwin at Biden's appearance in Superior on Thursday. Some questioned why the president was giving a speech about a bridge in Wisconsin near the Minnesota border as the border crisis exploded. Yet there they all sat, as the crisis in Texas escalated, talking about a bridge. Evers shared the photo of Evers, Biden, and Baldwin on X. "Tony & @POTUS & Tammy Category is: Democrats who get things done," his spokesperson Britt Cudaback wrote, comparing the three, and sharing the photo. Evers also tweeted, "@SenatorBaldwin and I are proud to welcome @POTUS to Wisconsin today." https://twitt

Tammy Baldwin Throws 6 American Hostages Under Bus, Votes to Send Money to Palestinian Authority

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin just threw the remaining American and Israeli hostages held by Hamas under the bus, voting against an amendment that would have denied any Palestinian governing entity foreign aid until they renounce terrorism and free the remaining six American hostages, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Keith Siegel, Omer Neutra, Itay Chen, and Edan Alexander. The amendment would have limited "foreign assistance to the Palestinian Authority or any other Palestinian governing entity in the West Bank and Gaza." Baldwin voted NO, according to Senate records . The amendment, pushed by Sen. Rand Paul, then failed 50-44 on January 18 with six senators not voting. Fox News reported that Hamas still holds 130 hostages, including six Americans. The Paul amendment would have required the Palestinian governing authorities to renounce the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, in addition to freeing the hostages. One of the American-Israeli hostages is Itay Chen.

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Caves to Anti-Israel Protesters on Hamas Ceasefire

The Tammy Baldwin ceasefire flip-flop came after she was hounded for weeks by pro-Palestinian protesters. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin has caved into pressure from Anti-Israel protesters and is now calling for Israel to engage in a ceasefire with the terrorist group even though she said just days ago that a ceasefire is "really asking Israel to unilaterally stop and we know Hamas won’t." Baldwin's action comes just days after Wisconsin Right Now first revealed that Baldwin had become a TikTok trend , after Pro-Palestinian activists confronted Baldwin in a video in which she appeared rattled and did not directly address their concerns or defend Israel. Some of the videos have been viewed thousands of times, as was our story. Baldwin's about-face also came after she met with the group World Beyond War after it and other groups conducted a sit-in at her office. She has been repeatedly confronted by pro-Palestinian activists in recent weeks, who demanded she capit

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Supports Castration, Sterilization Surgeries of Children

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) has made it clear that she opposes a Wisconsin legislative bill that bans genital and other surgeries on transgender children, including castration and sterilization. Baldwin made her stance clear when she thanked Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers for promising to veto "every single one of them," referring to legislative bills relating to transgender surgeries and transgender participation in girls' and women's sports. "I'll help you stop it," Evers said in the video. Baldwin applauded this. "Trans kids deserve to feel safe and welcome in Wisconsin, not discriminated against. They deserve the freedom to just be kids, play sports, and get the health care they need, all without politicians butting in. Thanks for standing up for LGBTQ+ kids, @GovEvers," she wrote on X. By "health care," she is referring to genital surgeries, mastec

Flashback: Tammy Baldwin Mourned 'Innocent Victims' on Pro Hamas Flotilla

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) once lamented what she labeled the tragic loss of "innocent victims" on a pro-Hamas flotilla that she misleadingly described as a "Freedom Flotilla" that was simply "carrying activities and supplies" to the Gaza Strip for humanitarian purposes. The comments were, minimally, exceptionally naive and incomplete. The truth of the Mava Marmara raid by Israeli commandos is complex, and Israel is not above scrutiny or criticism over it, but Baldwin's statement misleadingly adopted the most simplistic anti-Israeli rhetoric. For example, she ignored the fact that a pro-Hamas Turkish group organized the flotilla, and that Israeli commandos were attacked when they attempted to board the boat, which was purposely attempting to violate the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip for political and propaganda reasons. "All of them were terrorists who belonged to IHH (the Turkish group) and wanted to kill Israeli soldier

Tammy Baldwin Supported Islamic Group That Blames Israel for Hamas Attacks

“It is critical that you continue the fight for civil discourse and civic engagement. …congratulations on more than two decades of passionate advocacy.” - U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin in a letter to CAIR U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin wrote a letter supporting an Islamic group that now blames Israel for the Hamas attacks. Baldwin has also accepted campaign donations from leaders affiliated with the same group. The Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR recently demanded that the U.S. government examine "the root causes of violence, terminating Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, and ending the Israeli government’s apartheid policies" after Hamas terrorists massacred Israeli families, beheaded babies, murdered concert attendees and took many children and elderly hostage. The U.S. Department of Justice wrote in 2013 that evidence in a trial "linked CAIR leaders to Hamas, a specially designated terrorist organization, and CAIR was named as an unind

Tammy Baldwin's Weak Record on Israel: Jewish Group Called Her 'Extreme'

Tammy Baldwin's record of supporting Israel has been weak over the years. She proudly supported the Iran deal, opposed sanctions against Iran, voted against an act making it illegal to boycott Israel, opposed Israel's annexation of the West Bank, supported the creation of a Palestinian State, and voted against an act that would give security funding to Israel. Baldwin's record on Israel has been controversial for years. In 2012, a pro-Israel group ran an advertisement that called her "extreme" and weak on defense. Former Gov. Tommy Thompson called Baldwin "anti-Israel" during that race, a claim she denied. "Over the past decade, Tammy Baldwin has established a foreign policy record of extremism," Noah Pollak, of the pro-Israel, conservative Emergency Committee for Israel, told Politico in 2012. "Yet now that she's running for Senate, she's attempting to obscure that record — in fact, her campaign website doesn't ev

Tammy Baldwin Was 'Proud' to Support Iran Deal, Opposed Sanctions

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) once announced that she was "proud" to support President Barack Obama's disastrous Iran deal, and she opposed sanctions against the terrorist regime. Her press release at the time is headlined, "U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement in Support of Iran Nuclear Agreement." That's her record - taking actions that built Iran's power - but she's trying to run from it now that the fruits of those policy choices are becoming clear in a terrible way. Baldwin announced in the wake of the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel, widely suspected to have been funded by Iran, that she wanted the Biden administration to refreeze the $6 billion it authorized for Iran on, unbelievable, Sept. 11, 2023. Baldwin was nowhere to be found when the money was first unfrozen, of course, and her history on Iran is a weak one. Baldwin Supported the Iran Deal At the time, Baldwin said in a press release, "I’m proud that Americ

Why Won't the Media Fully Report Tammy Baldwin Staffer's Ties to Wauwatosa Unrest?

Why won't the media fully report the deep ties that Tammy Baldwin's Milwaukee office director, Tiffany Henry, has to the Wauwatosa unrest, including a dangerous scene of violence? Henry was accused by fellow People's Revolution members of being at the scene where two police officers were attacked and beaten at their own home in a chaotic riot where a gun was discharged near them. Some Peoples Revolution members alleged that Henry used physical violence against an officer, called him an expletive, spoke to the accused shooter before he turned himself in, and said he was "fair game," police reports show. Would the media report it if the staffer worked for, say Ron Johnson, and the violence occurred from people associated with the right? That seems even more relevant now that Baldwin, on July 21, announced that she is seeking a federal civil rights investigation into the Wauwatosa Police Department stemming from the three shootings by former Wauwatosa Officer J