
Showing posts with the label attorneygeneral

Why it Matters That Adam Jarchow Has Never Prosecuted a Criminal Case

New Attorney General candidate Adam Jarchow raised zero dollars in his first campaign finance report, deleted a childish website he created painting his Republican opponent as a marionette, said police reform is probably needed in Milwaukee, and once pushed a bill with liberal Democrats to decriminalize some possession of marijuana cases and argued to legalize the drug. We think there's an even bigger problem, though: He's never prosecuted a criminal case. There's a new Republican candidate for state Attorney General and, as with Professor Ryan Owens , Adam Jarchow has never handled a single criminal case in Wisconsin, according to a review of online court records. He's tweeted, "Running DOJ has nothing to do with courtroom experience" before scrubbing his Twitter account, and a Madison newspaper reported that he doesn't think Republicans should define the state's top law enforcement official (Attorney General) as the state's top cop. Here'

Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson Writes Open Letter Supporting Ryan Owens

By Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson For 36 years I have served as a law enforcement officer, the last seven as the Waukesha County Sheriff. It has been the honor of my life; I wake up every day with a fresh resolve to do my job—committed to upholding the safety and security of our community. That’s what it takes to lead.  Our nation faces great challenges: civil unrest, charged politics, disregard for property and life, distrust of law enforcement—all these societal ailments are surging. We’ve seen it in Wisconsin. We’ve all felt it. Yet, I remain optimistic because of the men and women I see stepping up to lead. From my vantage as Sheriff, I know what law enforcement needs to meet this moment: effective leadership. Wisconsin needs new leadership and a renewed commitment to the rule of law—especially at the Wisconsin Department of Justice. That’s why I strongly support Ryan Owens for Attorney General . He has my full endorsement and I’m going to do everything I can

AG Josh Kaul's Abysmal Crime Lab Failures Exposed

AG Josh Kaul’s crime lab is worse on many key measurements than his predecessor, yet the media aren't holding him accountable. That's a double standard. Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul has failed on public safety, with crime lab delays worse in key areas - like guns and DNA - than those under former Republican AG Brad Schimel. Even though Schimel's crime lab was more productive and effective, he was hammered relentlessly by Kaul and the news media. Yet Kaul's worse record isn't getting much scrutiny even as a Republican AG primary gears up. At a time of soaring crime rates, Kaul's crime lab is taking in far fewer cases (a trend that started BEFORE COVID-19), but it's also taking longer to get police and prosecutors key evidence they need to get criminals off the streets, a review of his own data shows. Kaul has offered excuse after excuse for this fact, but the crime lab's role in public safety has unquestionably diminished under his leaders