Wisconsin Elections Commission Clarifies Absentee Ballot Rules
Wisconsin’s election managers say as long as there is a house number and a street name, absentee voting witness slips don’t need a city, the state, a zip code or anything else.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission clarified the rule for absentee ballot witnesses address information.
The commission told clerks to error on the side of counting ballots and issued five specific clarifications as to when ballots are not to be rejected.
An absentee ballot may not be rejected if:
The witness’s street number, street name, and municipality are present, but there is neither a state name nor a ZIP code provided;
The witness’s street number, street name, and ZIP code are present, but there is neither a municipality nor a state name provided;
The witness’s street number and street name are present and match the street number and street name of the voter, but no other address information is provided;
The witness certification indicates that the witness's address is the...