
Showing posts with the label government

Supreme Court Blocks Request to Vacate Title IX Injunctions

Requests by the federal government to vacate injunctions over the Biden administration's controversial Title IX rule have been blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Friday 5-4 ruling means the injunctions preventing implementation of the new rule in 26 states will be allowed to remain in force until the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals takes up the case in October. The opinion said the court couldn't unhitch the majority of the new rule from the challenged provisions that would have added sexual orientation and gender identity to Title IX. Proponents of keeping Title IX as originally intended in 1972 celebrated the win, and reminded the fight continues until a final ruling. In the unsigned decision, the majority said, "On this limited record and in its emergency applications, the Government has not provided this Court a sufficient basis to disturb the lower courts interim conclusions that the three provisions found likely to be unlawful are intertwined with and

Feds Coordinated Broad Censorship of Americans on Election, COVID, Report Say

  The federal government coordinated with an array of entities to censor Americans’ speech online, a newly released report from the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government shows. In particular, the report shows that the Department of Homeland Security worked with Stanford and the Global Engagement Center, which works across agencies but sits under the State Department to create a streamlined process for identifying and censoring posts. These groups formed the Election Integrity Partnership, which the report shows worked to censor and limit certain posts going into the 2020 presidential election. The report argues the federal government was “heavy handed” with universities and social media companies and censored conservative viewpoints far more often than liberal points of view under the guise of combating disinformation. “Created in the summer of 2020 ‘at the request’ of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the EIP provided a

Watchdog files challenge to Wisconsin impeachment panel

  A national government watchdog filed a complaint based on the group of former Wisconsin Supreme Court justices who are offering the state's assembly speaker advice on impeachment. American Oversight, which says it’s a nonpartisan, nonprofit government watchdog, filed a complaint with Dane County's district attorney, asking him to void any action that comes from the panel. The group says Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is breaking the state’s open meetings rules by asking the former justices for their advice on how to possibly move forward with an impeachment of Justice Janet Protasiewicz. “Speaker Vos has convened a secret panel to quickly craft recommendations for the potential impeachment of a newly elected state supreme court justice – a fundamentally anti-democratic action that is of great public importance and interest. His efforts to shroud the work and the identities of the panelists in secrecy violates Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Law as well as the state’s strong a

Taxpayers Question Local COVID Relief Spending Across Nation

"When Congress throws so much money at the cities that they don't even know how to spend it, we have a problem," A county government in southeast Michigan is moving forward with plans to build a sports complex with federal COVID relief money that could cost up to $80 million. Some residents are pushing back. A rural county in Utah spent $321,000 in federal COVID relief money to get snow to the Buckskin Hills Ski and Snow Tubing Hill. An auditor's report later flagged some of the COVID relief spending. In Tennessee, Shelby County Schools spent $25 million on air purifiers from Global Plasma Solutions, but a lawsuit maintains the purifiers are ineffective. These are just a few of the examples of how local governments spent billions of dollars in federal taxpayer money provided by Congress to stem the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adam Andrzejewski, founder and CEO of government watchdog , said the amount of federal money has municipaliti

Taxpayers Question Local COVID Relief Spending Across Nation

"When Congress throws so much money at the cities that they don't even know how to spend it, we have a problem," A county government in southeast Michigan is moving forward with plans to build a sports complex with federal COVID relief money that could cost up to $80 million. Some residents are pushing back. A rural county in Utah spent $321,000 in federal COVID relief money to get snow to the Buckskin Hills Ski and Snow Tubing Hill. An auditor's report later flagged some of the COVID relief spending. In Tennessee, Shelby County Schools spent $25 million on air purifiers from Global Plasma Solutions, but a lawsuit maintains the purifiers are ineffective. These are just a few of the examples of how local governments spent billions of dollars in federal taxpayer money provided by Congress to stem the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adam Andrzejewski, founder and CEO of government watchdog , said the amount of federal money has municipaliti