
Showing posts with the label agreement

Republican Lawmakers Argue Over Election Reforms, WEC Talks of Election ‘Conspiracies’

“My question is simple: What are Robin Vos and Kathy Bernier afraid of?” - Rep. Janel Brandtjen No one is any closer to an agreement on just what happened during the 2020 election in Wisconsin after the latest election hearing at the Capitol. The Wisconsin Elections Commission testified before the Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections. “A lot of the concerns about the November 2020 presidential election are based on assumptions that lack full understanding of election policies, laws, and technologies. Other concerns expressed to this committee have alleged startling claims of fraud without evidence,” WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe told lawmakers. “Nearly all of these concerns can be easily explained and understood once placed in context of how our election systems work.” Wolfe said WEC has worked hard to answer questions about the state’s voter rolls, vote count, and allegedly fake voters. On Wednesday the Commission said one of those accused fake voters, a man by t...