
Showing posts with the label nearly

Rep. Bryan Steil Proposes Bill to Prevent Illegal Political Donations Ahead of Election

Following nearly a year of investigations into political donation platform ActBlue, Republican Rep. Bryan Steil has introduced legislation he says will increase transparency and prevent illegal straw donations in online political donations. The Secure Handling of Internet Electronic Donations Act, or SHIELD Act , would prohibit political campaigns from accepting contributions from gift cards or other prepaid credit cards, and require them to obtain and verify the CVV of all online credit and debit donations. It would also require political campaigns to get the affirmative consent of donors before they make a recurring contribution. “American elections should always be free from foreign interference,” Steil said Monday. “The SHIELD Act will take a crucial next step in blocking foreign funding in our elections and certifying that every political contribution received is actually coming from the individual whose name is on the contribution. By passing the SHIELD Act, we will increa

70% of Americans Support Expanding School Choice Options, Poll Says

  Nearly 70% of Americans say that expanding educational choices for families will help improve education overall in the U.S., according to new polling. A vast majority of Americans across all demographics support more school choice options, the poll conducted by YouGov for the yes. every kid. foundation found. When asked, "If we make K-12 education more flexible for families, do you think this would improve or weaken our nation's overall education system?," 69% of respondents said it would either "stongly" improve (33%) or "somewhat" (36%) improve education. “Americans believe more education options will improve our nation’s education system,” Matt Frendewey, vice president of the yes. every kid. foundation , said in a statement released with the polling data. “A child’s access to a great education should not be determined by their family’s income or where they live. By expanding opportunities for families to customize the education to me

Nearly 303,000 People Illegally Entered US Through Southwest Border in September

Nearly 303,000 people illegally entered the U.S. through the southwest border in September, according to newly released U.S. Customs and Border Protection data and gotaway data first reported by The Center Square. Border Patrol and Office of Field Operations agents apprehended 269,735 people last month and Border Patrol agents reported at least 33,203 known gotaways, bringing the total to 302,938. Gotaways is the official CBP term used for foreign nationals who illegally enter the U.S. between ports of entry, intentionally evade capture and don’t return to Mexico or Canada. CBP doesn’t publicly report gotaway data. The Center Square obtains preliminary data from a U.S. Border Patrol agent who provides it on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation. It only includes Border Patrol data not OFO data. The gotaway data is believed to be much higher than reported because it doesn’t include unknown and unrecorded gotaways. With the majority of agents no longer in the field, th

Wisconsin Public School Students Struggle With Reading & Math

"The poor test scores are even more striking when you look at the success of students in Wisconsin choice schools." - Will Flanders; The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty Nearly 60% of students in Wisconsin's Public Schools continue to be unable to read, write, or do math at grade level. The State's Department of Public Instruction released the latest standardized test scores Tuesday, and they show 39.2% of public school students are proficient or better in reading, while 41.1% are proficient or better in math. But those are the statewide averages. Individual schools saw differing results, and the numbers show low-income students did worse across the board. DPI's numbers show 22.6% of low-income students are proficient in reading, and 23.1% are proficient in math. The numbers also show 42.2% of low-income students are rated minimal in reading, while 45.9% of low-income students are rated as minimal in math. Wisconsin’s worst-in-the-nation raci

12% of Law Enforcement Officers Were Assaulted While On Duty in 2020

Nearly 12% of law enforcement officers were assaulted while on duty in 2020, according to annual state-level data collected by the FBI. Alaska reported the greatest percentage, California the greatest number. A total of 60,105 officers were assaulted nationwide, with the overwhelming majority assaulted, and injured, by assailants’ hands and feet. Nationwide, 26% of assaults in 2020 involved a deadly weapon that wasn’t a firearm; 5% involved a firearm. California and Texas had the greatest number of officers shot in 2020: 379 and 300, respectively – less than half of one percent of their entire force. The report was based on the most recently available data from 2020 on 505,212 officers, or 72.5% of all police officers nationwide. The two largest states, Alaska (by area) and California (by population) reported the greatest percentage and number of assaults, respectively. Nearly two-thirds of Alaska’s officers, 813 out of 1,259, 64.6%, were assaulted, according to the data. Wh