
Showing posts with the label Commission

Clinton Campaign & DNC Fined for Concealing Payments for Anti-Trump Steele Dossier

The Clinton campaign agreed to pay an $8,000 fine while the DNC agreed to pay $105,000, and both promised not to violate the requirements in the future. The Federal Election Commission has fined Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee for disguising payments through a law firm for the infamous Steele dossier that gave rise to the now-discredited Russia collusion allegations, according to a letter made public Wednesday. The commission found the campaign and DNC made total payments of slightly more than $1 million to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through its law firm, labeling it as "legal and compliance consulting" when in fact it was for research related to the Steele dossier, according to the letter made public by the Coolide and Reagan Foundation that filed the original complaint. Investigators "found probable cause to believe" the improper labeling of the expenditure violated federal election law and reached a c

Wisconsin Elections Commission Determines 'Zuckerbucks' are not Technically Illegal

In addition to challenging WEC’s decision in court, the Wisconsin Voter Alliance plans to go back before the Elections Commission to challenge the 'Zuckerbucks' funding under Wisconsin’s election bribery law. The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has determined the so-called Zuckerbucks are not technically illegal. Elections commissioners on Wednesday sided with a staff attorney who wrote "the Commission finds that the complaint does not raise probable cause to believe that a violation of law or abuse of discretion has occurred.” Attorney Eric Kaardal, special counsel with the Thomas More Society representing the Wisconsin Voter Alliance, is challenging the $8.8 million the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life sent to local election managers in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha last year. “I don’t think the Wisconsin Elections Commission clarified anything,” Kaardal told The Center Square Thursday. But, Kaardal said the decisi