
Showing posts with the label head

Reince Priebus: Paths Limited for DeSantis, Haley Post-Iowa

The former head of Wisconsin’s Republican Party and the man in charge of this summer’s Republican National Convention says he doesn’t see anyone but Donald Trump getting the nomination. Reince Priebus told News Talk 1130’s WISN that after the former president’s resounding win in the Iowa Caucuses, Trump is the presumptive nominee. “I think that Donald Trump exceeded expectations,” Priebus said. “I think that he exceeded the mental threshold that Democrats and people that don’t like Trump wanted to out there. ‘Oh, he didn’t get 50%.’ I think it ended up being 51%.” Trump doubled the vote totals of both Ron DeSantis and Nikki Halley in Monday night’s caucuses. Reince Priebus said that kind of victory will make it tough for either challenger to find a path forward, especially DeSantis, Priebus said. “His play is that he is going to get second in South Carolina. That he’s going to talk to donors about whether any of these cases are going to matter, in regard to President Trump,

Wisconsin’s Former Parole Commissioner to Become Racine’s Violence Prevention Manager

You can't make this stuff up... The man pushed out as the head of Wisconsin’s Parole Commission after critics said he let dangerous people out of prison is set to become the new violence prevention manager in Racine. Racine Mayor Cory Mason announced Wednesday that John Tate II will take over the role. “The City continues to invest in traditional law enforcement. The creation of this position allows us to bring an additional public health perspective to crime and crime prevention,” the mayor said in a statement. “We know we need to use every tool available to us to reduce violent crime.” Tate was asked to resign by Gov Evers from his previous position as Wisconsin Parole Commission chairman in June after it was discovered he paroled a man who brutally murdered his wife in Wauwatosa in 1997. Her family said they never heard from Tate or the Parole Commission until after the man’s release was approved. The case became an election-year issue, giving Gov. Tony Evers’ critics a

FDA Launches Investigation Into Baby Formula Crisis

“In typical fashion, the Biden administration downplayed the baby formula shortage for months” -Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Monday the agency will investigate the national shortage of baby formula that has left American parents concerned and frustrated. The shortage began last year but was exacerbated after problems at a baby formula plant in Sturgis, Michigan, leading the company Abbott to issue a recall on formula and shut down production in February. FDA Commissioner Robert Califf told NBC in an interview Monday that there will be a “full investigation” after a whistleblower report said there were problems at that factory in October, but an FDA inspector did not look into the issue until January. “We always want to be as fast as we can possibly be while also being diligent, remembering, as shown by this example, that if we didn’t close the plant, then we have a supply shortage so we have to get this right,” Califf said

UW-Madison Chancellor: Anti-CRT Legislation Will Hurt Recruitment of 'Best and Brightest'

Rep. Rick Gundrum said the idea of reining in Critical Race Theory at UW schools simply means telling students they don’t have to subscribe to a teachers’ political philosophy. The head of the University of Wisconsin-Madison wants Gov. Evers to scuttle two plans aimed at Critical Race Theory and free speech on campus. UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank said the two plans are bad for the university. “As a university, our aim is to graduate well-rounded, critical thinkers; to teach our students not what to think but how to think,” Blank said in a statement Wednesday. Both plans were up before the Wisconsin Assembly on Tuesday. Rep. Clint Moses, R-Menomonie, said the idea of his legislation is to do just what the chancellor claims she wants. To teach people how to think, not what to think. “Our colleges and universities should be a place of higher learning where all schools of thought can come together,” Moses said Tuesday. “However, our campuses have become increasingly hos