
Showing posts with the label blasted

‘Bigotry and Lies:’ Cruz Blasts Federal Funding For ‘Structural Racism’ Sleep Research

“This application focuses on police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans as a cardinal manifestation of structural racism” U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, blasted a recently uncovered research program after reporting showed more than a million dollars in taxpayer funds were appropriated to find evidence that racism is to blame for poor sleep in minority communities. “Critical Race Theory is a Marxist ideology based on bigotry and lies,” Cruz said. Cruz’ comments come after The Center Square reported on the funding, which totaled nearly $1.2 million over three years. Cruz argued these health research funds would be better used finding medical cures. “The National Institutes of Health should use taxpayer dollars to conduct actual scientific and health research in an effort to find real solutions and real cures,” Cruz said. “It’s outrageous that Democrats are sullying those efforts and funding the radical left’s poisonous agenda.” The funding was allocated to Dr. Alexan

Biden Divides Democrats with Calls to 'Fund the Police'

Tuesday was not Biden’s first time to emphasize 'fund the police.' He has consistently held that message, defying others in his party. Last June, Biden called for hiring more police to stop the wave of violent crime that continues to sweep across American cities. President Joe Biden blasted the defund the police movement during his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, but others in his party are not going along with his messaging. "We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police," Biden said in his address. "The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities." A Politico/Morning Consult  poll released recently found that 75% of surveyed Americans say that “the defunding of police departments” is “a reason that violent crime is increasing in the United States.” The survey reports that 49% said defunding police was a “major reason” for the rise in violent crime while 26% said it was

Biden Divides Democrats with Calls to 'Fund the Police'

Tuesday was not Biden’s first time to emphasize 'fund the police.' He has consistently held that message, defying others in his party. Last June, Biden called for hiring more police to stop the wave of violent crime that continues to sweep across American cities. President Joe Biden blasted the defund the police movement during his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, but others in his party are not going along with his messaging. "We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police," Biden said in his address. "The answer is to fund the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities." A Politico/Morning Consult  poll released recently found that 75% of surveyed Americans say that “the defunding of police departments” is “a reason that violent crime is increasing in the United States.” The survey reports that 49% said defunding police was a “major reason” for the rise in violent crime while 26% said it was