
Showing posts with the label WRN Voices

The Project 2025 Lie VS. Rules for Radicals

Democratic candidates and campaign ads often cite “Project 2025” as the outline for a future Trump presidency. Project 2025 was developed by a conservative think tank organization, the Heritage Foundation, to outline a set of policy proposals for any future Republican administration or president. The Heritage Foundation develops and publishes such policy suggestions every four years. The left seems intent on using Project 2025 to instill fear into voters, saying that this IS President Trump’s guideline if elected in November.  Just like Russia collusion, Hunter’s laptop, and Biden’s dementia, the left is lying about such. The Heritage Foundation, Politifact and even CNN websites provide just a few examples of lies that have been debunked. In the debate, Trump said he had not even read Project 2025 and had nothing to do with it. The facts are as follows: Project 2025 does not propose any cuts to Social Security or changes to the retirement age. Project 2025 does not call to end

UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mone Greenlights Harassment and Intimidation on Campus

Flunking Yet Another Leadership Test This is an opinion piece by Shale Horowitz Another semester, another leadership failure. UWM Chancellor Mark Mone continues to speak with a forked tongue, carefully parsing statements to please all sides, while in practice aiding and abetting anti-Israel activists in breaking university rules. On September 5, UWM lifted the temporary suspension of anti-Israel student groups just in time for the start of the new semester. The groups’ July 19 Instagram post, which led to the suspension, stated that, “ANY organization or entity that supports Israel is not welcome at UWM.... Any organization that has not separated themselves from Israel will be treated accordingly as extremist criminals.” UWM justified the decision by stating that the post’s “intimidating language” falls within free speech protections. UWM claimed to “strongly denounce” the post, while promising to “ensure that individuals and organizations comply with the law and our conduc

Trump Won the Debate on Policy & That's What Really Matters

This is an analysis piece. Arguably, Vice President Kamala Harris won the debate on expectations and performance. But former President Donald Trump won the debate on policy , and that's what really matters. Harris got generally high marks on performance because she wasn't a babbling fool, and Biden lowered the debate bar so low. She didn't get tangled in word salads or stare vacantly into the distance or wander around like a lost dementia patient on stage, so she exceeded expectations. Because she didn't collapse spectacularly, in a way she won, even though her inappropriate smiles and smirks were extremely annoying. She talked so fast = about absolutely nothing that one's mind wandered midway through each Harris soliloquy.  It was like she was on a Halloween candy sugar buzz. Harris didn't move the needle on policy at all, and that's where the rubber meets the road. The debate isn'

Hartford Union High School Students Plant 2,977 Flags to Remember Sept. 11

By Madeline Mazur, Hartford Union High School student On Sunday, Sept. 8, high schoolers at Hartford Union High School spent several hours planting 2,977 flags on the lawn in front of their high school, an event organized by Young America’s Foundation. It was a tedious task that blistered their hands and may have seemed overwhelming and unimportant to bystanders. Yet, this event connected students with history in a way no history class can. Each flag was planted to honor a life lost on 9/11 and is a part of the 9/11 Never Forget Project, the largest campus activism project of its kind which Young America’s Foundation has organized for the past 21 years. [caption id="attachment_211112" align="alignnone" width="1200"] The Hartford Union High School students.[/caption] The youngest people who were alive on September 11, 2001, are now 23 years old, which means no current high school student lived through perhaps the most significant moment in recen

As Trump Debates Harris, the Economy Remains Top of Mind in Wisconsin

"Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" This is an opinion piece by Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany. As Kamala Harris steps onto the debate stage for the first time to face Donald Trump, we should ask ourselves: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? As Wisconsinites grapple with rising prices, inflation has become the number one issue for voters across our state. The Biden-Harris administration's economic policies have led to historic inflation, making it nearly impossible for many American families to make ends meet. We feel the reality of these failed policies every day as we go to the grocery store and pay for gas and electric bills. Skyrocketing prices affect everything, ranging from everyone's favorite appetizer, cheese curds, to an ice-cold beer at Lambeau Field. Consider this: in 2020, a pound of cheese curds cost $4.99. Today? You'll pay an increase of nearly 50%. The price of a beer at a Packer game has jumped b

Reagan Movie Review: Why the Elite, Snobby Film Critics Are Wrong

Was Reagan perfect? No. But he was the perfect man for the time. Was the Reagan movie perfect? No. But it's the perfect movie for this time. What's happened to film criticism in this country? Movie critics have turned into elite snobs who seem increasingly incapable of separating their liberal politics from analysis. Unfortunately for them, half of the country doesn't agree with their personal politics. It makes reading movie reviews these days predictable and, frankly, an obnoxious bore. I don't remember Roger Ebert clouding his movie reviews with ideological snobbery. We ran into the same thing when we reviewed Matt Walsh's documentary "What Is a Woman?" Largely ignored by critics but loved by massive audiences, we won a Milwaukee Press Club award for that review. Yes, Reagan is a political movie. However, when the values that deeply move so many audience members are the very things that almost every published critic mocks, Houston, you've g

Communicating With Gen Z [Up Against the Wall]

This is an opinion column. I do feel kind of bad for Gen Z. They’ve had a hard time of it. First, September 11th hits, then the Great Recession, then the phony COVID scare and government shut-downs. They’ve had to deal with social media when growing up and lies and bullying online, which the older generations never had to deal with. And then they get swindled by liberal society that convinced them to borrow huge sums of money to pay for questionable courses and degrees. On the other hand, at some point when you’re an adult you have to take responsibility for your own life and its direction. The Wall Street Journal had a recent article on how start-up companies are trying to understand and cater to Gen Z workers who apparently need a lot of hand holding and then therapists to talk to - at work. Well, I thought maybe I could help with that problem a little - or at least help their employers in communicating more clearly to their Gen Z workers. Here are a few communication phra

Yes, Kamala Harris's CNN Interview Was a Total Train Wreck [VIDEO]

Kamala Harris and her emotional support governor, Tim Walz, sat down for her only interview during the campaign. We watched all 26 minutes or so of the pre-recorded CNN interview so you don't have to, although, if you want to, we've put the full videos at the end of this story. Was it a train wreck? Yes, because the interview gives Harris's foes a lot of legitimate fodder, reminds voters that, oh yeah, she's currently in office now, and didn't help her overall. So that hurts her. Harris, the vice president in an unpopular administration, wasn't able to sever herself from the Biden-Harris agenda in the interview (because it's the Biden-HARRIS administration). She called it "transformative" and essentially supported "Bidenomics." This also hurts her. She's been able to dishonestly reposition as the "change agent" when she's not asked questions about the past four years. That changed tonight.

Sen. Dan Knodl: The Hypocrisy of Ann Jacobs

By: Sen. Dan Knodl “The law is crystal clear,” exclaimed Ann Jacobs, chair of the six-member Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), at a special meeting this past Tuesday. This does not seem like an ironic statement on its face, but my eyes rolled to the back of my head hearing these words from Ms. Jacobs; more about this later on. WEC convened to vote on which presidential candidates will appear on our ballots this November. Seven political parties will have presidential candidates on the ballot. Much to the chagrin of Chair Jacobs, Jill Stein of the Green Party and Cornel West, an Independent, will be on the ballot this fall. Why the angst? Because these candidates and parties may take away votes from the Democratic nominee. In the same twisted logic, she felt it was essential to keep RFK Jr on the ballot because it is thought he will take votes away from the Republican nominee for President. It must be hard for this “objective” commissioner to say she is a defender of democra

The DNC's Horrible, Very Bad Week in Wisconsin & Elsewhere

The Democratic National Committee has had a horrible, very bad week. The DNC's bad stretch started with a polarizing, angry Trump-obsessed speech by Kamala Harris that Democrats and the liberal media largely loved, but the days since then have been absolutely brutal. As they say, a month is a lifetime in politics. In the case of this insane election cycle, revise that to a day. There's evidence the dishonest media bubble propping up Harris is starting to burst - even a Washington Post columnis t doesn't like her Soviet-style price controls, the New York Times is taking shots at her (yes, "joy" is not a policy), and her flip-flopping has escalated to the point of ludicrousness (seriously, she's for the border wall?) Axios is no conservative outlet, and even they wrote the story this way: "Harris flip-flops on building the border wall." The DNC might end up regretting its decision to prop up the exceptionally flawed Harris - who has to own t

If You Want to 'Save Democracy,' the Clear Choice is Donald J. Trump | WRN VOICES

This is an opinion piece by Wisconsin state Rep. Ty Bodden At the DNC, Kamala Harris stated that in 2020, “Donald Trump tried to take away your vote.” How ironic that Democrat voters did not vote for their nominee for President this year. The Left has been saying for years that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, but the record shows that Democrats need to take a good look in the mirror. Kamala Harris never received a single delegate in 2020 because she was so unpopular. Joe Biden's cognitive decline has been known for years, but the Democratic Party and the mainstream media covered for him and let him run until the very end so the Democratic elites and operatives could select their candidate. How is that democratic? How is that not a threat to democracy? Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC was full of hypocrisy. She said, “We don’t cheat others to get ahead. We don’t get to change the rules so we always win.” Democrats, you have to realize that you are being played. O

Komrade Kamala: Price Controls & Other Failed Policies [Up Against the Wall]

Democrats love their misinformation campaigns. I like to flip around to different TV channels - and was stunned to hear some liberals who think Komrade Kamala is the second incarnation of, well, you know who (Obama, not God). There’s a group of them who have gotten drunk on the kool-aid. Yet, do not despair people. I also have heard from liberals on the street. One in particular highlighted what I have heard a few times - who tell me they are voting for Trump. Admittedly, they do kind of choke and sputter, but they’re committed, minds made up. On the other hand, another (liberal) friend who will vote for Komrade Kamala said that Kamala "can’t win’." His response was telling - that she can’t win “because she’s a black woman." What?! I responded that he’s dead wrong, that she could very well win, and Republicans are going to have to work very hard to turn out the vote. Of course, he’s projecting - putting a negative on the rest of America, never mind that America alr

Kamala Harris Speech: Instead of Hope & Change, We Got Rant & Rave

Instead of hope and change, we got rant and rave. In case you missed it, Kamala Harris delivered a joyless, angry speech at the DNC Thursday night, endlessly trolling President Donald Trump. Harris's DNC acceptance speech was shockingly devoid of policy specifics for an anointed candidate who never got a single primary or caucus vote. Instead, Harris hectored the nation about Trump. A lot of her attacks were completely disingenuous. For example, she accused Trump of explicitly intending to jail his political opponents. As opposed to Democrats, who are literally trying to do that to him now? She said he handpicked Supreme Court justices - the horrors - which, yeah, is what presidents get to do. Harris ranted about free and fair elections, but her party is trying to keep the Green Party off the ballot in Wisconsin, and she was anointed the nominee despite another guy getting millions of votes. She spoke as if sh

Burnt Chicken? Unfortunately, Chicken Isn't the Only Thing Burning

This is an opinion piece by Billie Johnson, Chairman 2 nd Congressional District Republican Party Bob Dohnal’s annual Chicken Burn has been around for over 50 years. I wish I had discovered it sooner, but I only learned of the Chicken Burn in the last 15 years. I’ve missed only one or two since then. But now that the Wisconsin Conservative Digest (WCD) has new management, things are going down fast. Most of Bill Savage and WCD’s endorsed primary candidates lost on August 13. Lost is a mild term; “crashed and burned” is a more apt description. Unfortunately, Chicken isn’t the only thing burning at this year’s Chicken Burn. What is burning down is all of Bob Dohnal’s great work and legacy over the years. Bill Savage is now the editor of the Wisconsin Conservative Digest, per his email blasts. The Wisconsin Conservative Digest recently posted this on Facebook: “ Movements are developing to use write-in campaigns and/or just simply encouraging folks to vote democrat in down ballo

Swifties for Trump: Dear Media, REAL Pro-Trump Taylor Swift Fans DO Exist

This is an opinion piece. Out of the many millions of Taylor Swift fans, the idea that some of them might support former President Donald Trump or be conservative is apparently so shocking to some in the elite news media that they simply can't wrap their minds around the concept. They're so shocked that they've collectively decided, "They must all be fake!" Or "maybe there's only 1!" In case you missed it, Trump shared a collage of what appear to be some AI-generated photos mixed with 2 very real photos of a Wisconsin college student named Jenna Piwowarczyk, who is BOTH a fan of Taylor Swift and Trump. Interestingly, many national media outlets focused on the AI photos while ignoring or downplaying the real ones. Frankly, I wish Trump hadn't mixed the two together, but the media's spin is also very revealing. I should know that they're real. I took the two real photos that Trump shared. I first posted one of them on Wisconsin