
Showing posts from December, 2021

Wisconsin Right Now's 2021 Wall of Shame

There were so many losers to pick from in 2021 for Wisconsin Right Now's annual Wall of Shame awards. Top officials - from partisan Josh Kaul to weak Tony Evers - let us down, and Tom Barrett fled the country while his city suffered from its worst homicide numbers ever. A top BLM leader and Republican AG candidate imploded, court officials released a violent offender who preyed on a Christmas parade, and Milwaukee County's court system tipped into chaos. Liberal policies (like defund the police and shutting down courts) blew up spectacularly while minority communities suffered most. Commissions - the liberal Fire and Police in Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Election Commission statewide - weren't just dysfunctional, they were downright nefarious and disregarded the law. But at least UW-Madison got rid of a rock! Here are our top 30 losers riding the 2021 Wall of Shame. Gas up the clown car, and make sure it has a lot of seats. 1. Darrell Brooks He's one of the bigge

Wisconsin Right Now's 2021 Wall of Shame

There were so many losers to pick from in 2021 for Wisconsin Right Now's annual Wall of Shame awards. Top officials - from partisan Josh Kaul to weak Tony Evers - let us down, and Tom Barrett fled the country while his city suffered from its worst homicide numbers ever. A top BLM leader and Republican AG candidate imploded, court officials released a violent offender who preyed on a Christmas parade, and Milwaukee County's court system tipped into chaos. Liberal policies (like defund the police and shutting down courts) blew up spectacularly while minority communities suffered most. Commissions - the liberal Fire and Police in Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Election Commission statewide - weren't just dysfunctional, they were downright nefarious and disregarded the law. But at least UW-Madison got rid of a rock! Here are our top 30 losers riding the 2021 Wall of Shame. Gas up the clown car, and make sure it has a lot of seats. 1. Darrell Brooks He's one of the bigge

Rebecca Kleefisch Endorsed by Majority of Wisconsin's Sheriffs

Perhaps they remember Tony Evers dawdling while Kenosha burned and throwing law enforcement under the bus. ... Republican gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch has received the endorsement of the majority of Wisconsin's sheriffs. In a press release, her campaign called her "the tough-on-crime leader Wisconsin needs to clean up our streets. That’s why today she’s pleased to announce the endorsement of the majority of Wisconsin’s Sheriffs, further cementing her position as law enforcement’s choice for Governor of Wisconsin." (Note: we previously explained how Evers failed the community of Kenosha. But he's never missed a chance to rush to judgment against police...) “I am humbled to have the support of the majority of Wisconsin’s Sheriffs in our fight to take back Wisconsin," Kleefisch noted. "Unlike Tony Evers, I’ll support law enforcement and ensure that the brave men and women who protect our communities have the tools they need to keep Wisconsi

More Police Officers Died in 2021 Than Any Year on Record

  (The Center Square) – More police officers in the U.S. died in 2021 than any other year officer fatalities have been recorded, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 28, 2021, 358 active duty officers died. That's compared to 296 over the same time period last year, the Memorial Fund reports . Firearms related deaths were up 31%; traffic-related deaths were up 30%. Last year’s numbers were significant because officer deaths in 2020 were the second-highest the Memorial Fund recorded since 1930, when 312 officers died. Deaths the Memorial Fund recorded in 2021 topped those figures. As of November 30, 2021, 314 officers were shot in the line of duty, of which 58 were killed, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) reports . Ambush style attacks were also up 126%, a worrying trend, it notes. The most officers shot in the line of duty this year were in Texas, with 42 officers shot, followed by 25 shot in Illinois and 21 shot in C

Milwaukee DV Murder Suspect Was on GPS Waiting List, Out on $250 Bail

Dennis Kurasz, who is accused of a domestic violence homicide, was on Milwaukee County's electronic monitoring waiting list for a previous domestic violence and felony case involving the same victim, Wisconsin Right Now has exclusively learned. He was released in the pending case on just $250 bail, but the county couldn't come up with a GPS device to better monitor him. We previously wrote about Milwaukee County's waiting list for electronic monitoring bracelets. It's left some violent offenders without tracking devices, endangering the community. A source gave us the information about Dennis Kurasz and the chief judge, Mary Triggiano, confirmed in an email that she believes Kurasz was on the waiting list. "I believe he is/was," she wrote WRN in an email on Dec. 28, 2021. The open case was filed in May 2021 and charged Kurasz with possession of a firearm as a felon, domestic-violence battery and disorderly conduct with domestic abuse assessments. On M

Milwaukee Court Commissioner Gives Man Accused in Record-Breaking Murder $5,000 Bail

Areon Davis is accused of felony murder in the homicide of Calvin Davis, which broke Milwaukee's historic homicide record. Milwaukee County Court Commissioner Grace Flynn, whose notoriously low bail amounts have caused controversies for years, has given a man accused of felony murder in a record-breaking homicide, $5,000 bail over the objection of prosecutors. His name is Areon Davis, and he's accused of being a getaway driver in a homicide in which a man was shot in the head during the theft of his gun. Areon Davis is Not in Jail Sources have told WRN that prosecutors asked for $10,000 bail, but Commissioner Grace Flynn decided $5,000 was more appropriate for a man accused in a homicide case. Bail was posted later that day, and Areon Davis was released from custody. Oh..but he was ordered not to possess any firearms. The low bail came on December 21, 2021, well after the Waukesha parade massacre suspect 's meager Milwaukee bail amounts provoked national cont