Dr. Evil's Maps #1: Gov. Evers Pits Top 2 Assembly GOP Leaders Against Each Other

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has submitted such transparently partisan maps to the liberal-controlled state Supreme Court that we can only dub them "Dr. Evil's Maps" for their sheer political gameplaying. In each story of this multi-part series, we will zoom in on an egregiously partisan decision by Evers to better educate the public on what has happened here. Wisconsin's Democratic governor is gaslighting the public when he lies that his legislative map proposal is taking politics OUT of map-writing. In fact, his maps, which he submitted to the state Supreme Court on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024, are a case study in blatant partisanship. Never is that more true than what he has done with the two top Republican leaders in the state Assembly. Evers' maps shift district boundaries to pit the top two Republican leaders in the state Assembly - Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Assembly Majority Leader Tyler August - against each other. In other words, if Evers' maps are chosen, Vos and August would have to run AGAINST each other, unless one of them moves. However, it's a big deal to pick up stakes and move your entire home. Thus, the Democratic governor is counting on knocking one of them out of public service if the court picks his maps. That's pure politics. So spare us the lectures on "fair maps." It will rob Wisconsin voters of the chance to be represented by both men. Evers' maps, obtained by Wisconsin Right Now, are so viciously drawn, that they positioned a district boundary just FEET from August's home address to ensure that he would be in the same district as Vos, a fellow Republican. Evers' map moves August 2,800 feet out of his old district.

The Current State Assembly Map Shows that August & Vos Live in Different Districts Now

[caption id="attachment_159879" align="alignnone" width="1442"]Evers maps In the current maps, the two Republican leaders do not live in the same district.[/caption]

Gov. Tony Evers' Proposed Assembly Map Pits Vos & August Against Each Other

[caption id="attachment_159880" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Evers maps put the top 2 Republican leaders against each other.[/caption] That's pure game playing. It's an attempt to destabilize the Republican leadership in the state Assembly and to get rid of one of Evers' top two Republican foes. And there is clearly no foe he would like to force out of politics more than Robin Vos. It's a raw power grab. And we're not letting the governor get away with it - hence, we are exposing it here. Evers' maps are one of seven sets of maps submitted to the court on Friday. Some are drawn by Republicans. However, as the governor, he is going to have a lot of sway with a liberal-controlled court. The liberals on the court have already shown that they are willing to engage in raw power politics, which is not the role of the court. Even though the Constitution gives the Legislature the power to redistrict, and the court already chose the Legislature's maps after the US Supreme Court tossed a previous version of Evers', the liberals threw out the Legislature's maps. They argued that they were "unconstitutional" because the Constitution requires districts to be "contiguous" (all connected), and the Legislature included municipal islands in theirs (chunks of annexed land, often vacant or sparsely populated." A previous federal court, the state Supreme Court, and Evers himself were fine with municipal islands before. The new maps submitted Friday by the Republican legislature argue that the court should simply dissolve the little islands into their surrounding districts and make no further changes, to avoid exactly the type of gameplaying Evers is exhibiting in the newly proposed Vos/August district. Two unelected out-of-state consultants, handpicked by the liberals, will have the first go at choosing a set of maps,  but ultimately the liberal court is going to decide. But the public should know exactly what Democrats are trying to do here. This is only part 1. https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/dr-evils-maps-1-gov-evers-pits-top-2-assembly-gop-leaders-against-each-other/?feed_id=8476&_unique_id=65a1fc855935c


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